Use this Tango to learn how you can use to find the LinkedIn profiles of people who have specific Certifications listed on their profile. This is particularly useful for recruitment agencies of if you are targeting people that have certifications in competiting or complimentary products.
Using to Find People with Specific Certifications on LinkedIn
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1. Once logged in, click on Create new

2. Click on Table...

3. Click on Find People…

4. Click on Job title

5. Type the job title you are searching for. In this example HR
You can add multiple job titles to search with.

6. Click on HR
This makes sure that the search results will only find this particular role.

7. Type alternative job titles. In this example: Human Resources

8. Click on Human Resources to select it.

9. Click on Certification

10. Type the name of the certification you want to search for. In this example: CIPD

11. Filter further by location. In this example United Kingdom

12. Click on United Kingdom to select it

13. Click on Preview people

14. Here you can see that there are 3,235 matching results.
If you find that you don't have the right results or 0 results, you may need to adjust your filters.

15. Click on Import

16. Click on Import to new table
If you have an existing table, you can add these results to it by selecting "existing table".

17. Click on Continue for free to enrich the results with "Basic profile". This is free.

18. Now you can see all of the people who have "CIPD" listed on their LinkedIn profile under certifications.

19. Navigate to the Licenses & Certifications section of a profile to double check.

ℹ️ Once you have this data in your Clay table, you can enrich it with over 75 different providers. This could include finding the email address of these individuals and summarising their experience using ChatGPT or Clay's AI researcher "Claygent".
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