STOP: Revenue will not be recognized while customer is "free."
Avoid if possible. It's much better to manage the subscription (or schedule an update) if possible.
NOTE: To move FORWARD a billing cycle, use this Tango on "Scheduling a Billing Cycle Reset to Move A Renewal Period Forward in Stripe"
1. Go to Customers – Tango – Stripe
2. Enter Free Trial Days needed and confirm Date here

3. This should be UNCHECKED or else the update won't work.
You'll get an error that says something like: "Trial period can't end after the start of the billing cycle"

4. Confirm the dates are correct
This will result in the next billing cycle being started (and Invoice sent) on the date shown.

5. Prorating Changes - use this if a Credit is meant to be issued.
Leave it unchecked if the Customer should not be getting a credit

6. Reference this Stripe Doc on "Changing the billing cycle on pre-existing subscriptions"

7. Here's how it works

8. Stripe refers to this in other docs as INTRA-SUBSCRIPTION TRIALS

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